
Diabetes is a condition in which the individual’s blood sugar level is a lot higher than normal, either because the body is not producing enough insulin, or the cells of the body are not responding to insulin properly or both.

A prolonged period of having high blood sugar levels can result in serious complications. Your nerves, kidneys, and eyes could get damaged.

You could also develop a heart disease, which can lead to a stroke or in extreme cases, due to infections and healing problems, have some limbs amputated. Therefore, if you have diabetes, you need to take the necessary measures to keep your blood sugar at a normal level.

What do you do when you find yourself running a high blood sugar level prior to dinnertime? The first thing that crossed your mind is probably to skip supper.

This may feel like the right thing to do, but skipping meals can actually have some negative effects on your body, and might even boost your blood sugar level even more.

If your blood sugar has been spiking the entire day, it is vital to consume foods with a low glycemic index to help decrease your blood sugar.

The following are five of the best foods to eat to help in lowering your blood sugar levels:


Post-meal response to insulin may be decreased by the consumption of eggs, according to a Research published in the International Journal of Obesity.

Eggs do not have carbohydrate content and they have an extremely minimal impact on a person’s blood sugar.

They are not just packed with nutrients, but they are also extremely affordable, takes no time and very little effort to cook, and can be used to make other healthy and delicious dishes such as vegetable quiche or omelet.

Fish rich in protein and omega-3

Protein will not increase a person’s blood sugar level. It also boosts satiety, so depending on protein sources to feel full instead of pasta, rice, or bread may be a great method of helping you manage your blood sugar level.

One of the good sources of protein is fish such as halibut, mackerel, albacore tuna, trout, and salmon.

They are packed with Omega-3 acids, protein, and are undeniably delicious. They are also very easy and quick to prepare.


A number of studies, including the one conducted by the Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland, has shown that consuming half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day can help make the body’s cells more sensitive to insulin.

Thus, these cells convert blood sugar into energy. Try to incorporate at least half a teaspoon of cinnamon into your daily diet. You may add some to your coffee or tea.


Avocados are rich in mono-unsaturated fats which help slow down the release of sugars into your blood.

Furthermore, they are a good source of soluble fiber which helps decrease cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar levels.

They are simply delectable too! If mayonnaise or cheese are part of your meals, try using avocados to replace them or minimize their quantity.


Unlike other fruits that are very high in sugar, such as mangoes, blueberries won’t increase a person’s blood sugar level as much. In addition, among all fruits, they contain the highest amount of anthocyanins and are rich in fiber.

Anthocyanins hold back some enzymes in the digestive system to slow down digestion. They also thwart blood sugar spikes after the consumption of starchy foods.

However, you should be cautious about eating the foods mentioned above in meals that contain other ingredients that are high in sugar or carbohydrates.

If you do so, you will end up losing their potential benefits for keeping your blood sugar levels in check.

These tips should be combined with a very healthy diet and the advice from your doctor in order to keep your blood sugar level at a normal level.

For more advice and tips about blood sugar and/or diabetes, go check the following articles linked below.

What can diabetics eat and drink?

Natural ways of reversing diabetes

Is your blood sugar spiking? Eat this!

Potential foot problems caused by diabetes


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