
Many cancer treatments are known to kill cancerous cells. Some of them are harsher and don‘t make the difference between the good and bad cells and can be very hard on the body.

The common treatments known for cancer are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Depending on the stage of cancer, the treatment can be heavy and hard to handle.

Other non-traditional medical treatments will be discussed in more details in this article.

Most individuals with cancer are willing to try every treatment that could possibly treat their condition. This includes alternative treatments. As a matter of fact, alternative treatments have become increasingly popular over the years.

While many of them are indeed helpful, some have no proven results yet and could even be dangerous to your health.

Thus, if you are a cancer patient or know of one who is thinking of trying out alternative treatment, read on. This article would discuss the ten most popular alternative ways that have shown some potential in treating cancer.


Yoga is a combination of breathing and stretching exercises. When you do yoga, you will need to do some body positions that will require you to stretch, twist, and bend.

There are several kinds of yoga. For cancer patients, yoga helps by relieving stress. In addition, it has been proven to decrease fatigue, boost energy, and help you sleep better.

Before you join or enroll in a yoga class, ask your physician for a recommendation on a yoga teacher who already has prior experience with working with individuals with medical conditions like cancer.

You should not attempt to do yoga poses that are painful for you. A good yoga teacher is capable of asking you to do alternative body positions that are effective yet safe for you to do.



Regular light exercise helps cancer patients by promoting better sleep and relieving stress, anxiety, and fatigue.

In fact, it has been shown by numerous studies that an exercise program promotes longer life in cancer patients and even boosts their overall quality of life.

You should seek the advice of your doctor first before you begin any exercise program, especially if you have not been engaging in a regular exercise in the past.

The key is to start slow and increase the amount of exercise as you go.

Tai Chi

Tai chi is a combination of deep breathing exercises and gentle body movements. You may learn Tai Chi from an instructor.

Alternatively, you can be self-taught in tai chi by watching tutorial videos and reading tai chi books. Like yoga, the practice of tai chi is effective in alleviating stress.

In addition, it is a safe form of exercise, on the whole. This is because the gentle body movements required in tai chi will not call for too much physical energy or strength.

Furthermore, the movements can be adjusted easily to suit your own strength and capacity. Nevertheless, you should still consult your doctor first before you attempt tai chi.

Like with yoga, you should not try to do any tai chi movements that are painful for you.

Relaxation techniques


These involve activities intended to help you concentrate on relaxing your muscles and keeping your mind free from any thoughts.

Some examples of these include progressive muscle relaxation and visualization exercises. These techniques have potential in helping alleviate fatigue, stress, and anxiety.

They are also beneficial for those who have difficulty sleeping. Relaxation therapy is extremely safe.

At first, you will need the guidance of a licensed therapist. However, you would eventually be capable of doing these techniques on your own or while following video guides.

Music therapy

As the term suggests, this involves the use of music to help you feel more calm and relaxed. This may include composing songs, singing, playing musical instruments, or listening to relaxing songs or tunes.

There are music therapy for groups if you prefer to be in the company of other people. Alternatively, you may opt for one-on-one sessions with a music therapist.

Like relaxation therapy, music therapy is very safe. In addition, you do not have to be a music expert to join. A lot of medical institutions have trained music therapists who can help you.



To meditate is to clear your mind and concentrate deeply on one sound, image, or idea. An example of such an idea is a positive thought.

When you meditate, you can also engage in relaxation techniques or deep breathing exercises at the same time.

Like the other alternative treatments discussed earlier, meditation is helpful for individuals with cancer because it alleviates stress and anxiety.

Meditation can be done on your own. You may do so once or multiple times per day, for a couple of minutes or longer each time.

You may also attend a class with a certified instructor if you prefer.


There’s nothing more effective in relieving stress than a full-body massage.

During one, the therapist kneads your tendons, muscles, and skin with the intention of alleviating muscle stress and tension, resulting in a very relaxing sensation.

There are many different types and techniques of massage. Some have more pressure, while some are gentle and light.

Massage is not only effective in alleviating stress, fatigue, and anxiety, but also in relieving.

This makes it very beneficial for cancer patients. Massage is fairly safe as long as the one doing it is a certified massage therapist.

If the practitioner does not know what he or she is doing, it can do more damage than good.

This is particularly true if the massage involves the spine and the neck. If you are not sure where to find a certified massage therapist, get a recommendation from your doctor.

Cancer treatment facilities usually have message therapists among their staff or know some. It is not ideal to get a massage if you have low blood counts.

In addition, you should ask your practitioner to avoid the areas near the cancer tumors, radiation treatment spots, or surgical scars.

If you have bone cancer or other bone conditions such as scoliosis, go for a gentle massage.



In this treatment, numerous tiny needles will be inserted into your skin at precise spots by a licensed practitioner. It is beneficial because it alleviates pain. In addition, it also alleviates nausea brought about by chemotherapy.

However, if your blood counts are low or if you are taking any blood-thinning medication, this method may not be safe. So, you should always consult your doctor first.

The above-mentioned alternative treatments may help you if you have cancer. However, always seek the advice of your trusted doctor before trying any of them.

It should be noted that all of these tips can be applied before being diagnosed with cancer and that depending on your condition it may or it may not be efficient.

If you want to learn more about certain cancerous conditions you may want to keep reading.

Indications that you could have cervical cancer

An overview of Leukemia

An overview of kidney cancer

Breast cancer in men – Is it possible?


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