In many cases and relationships, pregnancy can be a planned event that matches both future parents‘ lifestyle. Many factors can affect the conception of a child and should be taken into account.
Some may be easier to overcome, some may be a little more difficult. In both cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor first in order to have a better understanding of the changes that have to be done to higher the chances of conceiving.
What not to do during sex
1- Do not worry about the underwears you should be wearing on a daily.
There is a common misconception that infertility in men happens when testicles are always exposed to warm temperatures.
Therefore, some men think that they should wear briefs instead of boxers. Your choice of underwear has no bearing on your female partner’s chances of conceiving.
2- Do not pressure yourself to achieve an orgasm.
Although it is an amazing perk to end the intercourse on that note, it doesn’t assure a woman will get pregnant more easily.
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that an orgasm boosts the likelihood of getting pregnant. Do not believe that a lubricant will help either.
Many believe that a lubricant should be used during sex to help make the sperm move faster. As a matter of fact, it can even have a negative effect because the chemicals in the lubricant may affect the vagina’s pH balance and lower the mobility of the sperm.
What to do during sex
You can choose whatever position you want, as long as you are lying on your back when it is over. The shape of the vagina is sloping downward naturally, so lying on your back after sex lets the sperm just pool there.
No need to put your legs in the air or rest there for an hour but laying back for a couple of minutes is known to help. It increases their chances of reaching and fertilizing the egg.
Have sex prior to your ovulation
During that time, it is available to be fertilized by a man’s sperm. The egg can only stay for 12-24 hours. However, sperm can stay in your fallopian tubes and uterus for 2-3 days.
Thus, it is a good idea to have sex 1-2 days before ovulation. This way, there will most likely be sperm waiting around when the egg is released.
A woman ovulates roughly on the 14th day of a normal 28-day cycle. During ovulation, a woman’s ovaries release an egg cell.
As soon as your menstruation ends, engage in intercourse daily if possible. Beginning day 10, try to have sex at least every other day.
Know when you are fertile
You’ve probably heard about the “rhythm method” that is used by couples who do not want to conceive. This method involves determining the days when the woman is fertile, so they can avoid having sex these days.
The same method can be applied when you want to get pregnant; just do the opposite. You should determine the days when you are most fertile and have sex during these days as much as you can.
The most accurate way of determining your fertile days is through the use of an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). This works by checking a sample of your urine for an increase in the luteinizing hormone.
This increase usually happens 36-48 hours prior to ovulation. These kits come in 2 main types:
- Kits used for those with regular periods. You only need to use this kit roughly seven days prior to ovulation. This is recommended only for those with regular periods because you need to have an approximate idea of when you usually ovulate to determine when to begin using the kit.
- Kits used for those with irregular periods. You need to use this kit each day of the month. This is ideal for those with irregular periods.
In addition, this kit is more expensive than the first type. Another method to determine a woman’s fertile days is through keeping track of the basal body temperature on a chart.
However, this will yield less accurate results than when using an OPK. Lastly, the most ballpark way of determining your fertile days is by counting the average length of your period.
The first day of your period is Day 1. The day before your next monthly period starts is the Last Day. The length of your period is the number of days from Day 1 and Last Day. The average cycle is 28 days.
Ovulation usually takes place roughly 2weeks prior to your next anticipated period. So using the 28-day cycle as an example, you would experience ovulation at approximately Day 14.
Basically, you are most fertile during the day you ovulate and during the five days after the end of your period.
Quit birth control pills and other contraceptives
If you have been on the pill for a prolonged period of time, you should quit taking them for at least a couple of months before you begin trying to conceive.
The same applies not only to oral birth control pills but also other forms of contraceptives. Examples include progesterone shots which you should discontinue taking for at least 9 months before trying to conceive.
Then again, this is only the most ideal advice to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Do not forget that you can still get pregnant at any time once you stop taking or using contraceptives.
Prepare for a pregnancy test
The sooner you find out if you are pregnant, the earlier you can consult an OB-Gyne to learn everything you need to know about your pregnancy.
You will also be able to begin prenatal care right away. There are some pregnancy tests that can detect pregnancy extremely early (as early as ten days after ovulation).
Pregnancy test kits work by detecting the level of the HCG hormone in the sample of your urine. Early response pregnancy test kits are calibrated to detect even low levels of HCG.
However, a pregnancy test will yield the most accurate results if you use it after you have missed your period.
Testing early can possibly result in a “false negative” result, which means the test says you are not pregnant, but you are in reality.
What to do if you don’t test positive
If you do not test positive during your pregnancy test, do not lose hope. Majority of couples are not successful during their first attempt at conceiving, it can take some time.
In other cases, fertility may be a cause. In which case you should consult with your doctor if after some time you still can‘t seem to get pregnant. There are ways around it or different paths to take according to the various solutions that are offered to you.
Just continue trying, and make sure you have determined the correct fertile window.
If this article helped you and you want to know more about pregnancy please click on the links below to read our related articles.
Very early indicators of pregnancy
The symptoms experienced during the first month of pregnancy
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